of elliotson's

of elliotson's Border Collie

Border Collie

1- Plan du Site

2- Accueil

2.1- Presentation

3- Chiens

3.1- mâle

3.1.1- Run (Sans Affixe)

3.1.2- Snow of elliotson's

3.1.3- Trail de L'Ame Bergère

3.2- femele

3.2.1- Pam (Sans Affixe)

3.2.2- Ray of elliotson's

3.2.3- Roneo (Sans Affixe)

3.2.4- Ruby (Sans Affixe)

3.2.5- Sage of elliotson's

3.2.6- Shiva of elliotson's

3.2.7- Silver of elliotson's

3.2.8- Slash of elliotson's

3.2.9- Taki of elliotson's

3.2.10- Talya of elliotson's

3.2.11- Tj of elliotson's

3.2.12- Tsouki of elliotson's

4- Chiots

5- Liens

6- Livre d'or

7- Contact